Today is World Homeless Day #WorldHomelessDay2022
Many of our sites support people who find themselves homeless with one site in particular, based in Liverpool City Centre finding themselves supporting people on a regular basis.
We spoke to Paul from our Security Team at St Johns Shopping Centre who gave us several stories about how he had personally helped people in need. He recalled how came across a family of 6 where the father had unfortunately lost his job and the family subsequently found themselves homeless. Paul was able to support this family and helped them to find new accommodation with the council.
John is following Paul’s lead at site too, and he recently was able to support a homeless person by providing relevant information about where to find accommodation and help and he also bought him a cup of tea out of his own money.
The team also do regular checks on homeless hot spots and advise people where they can get a warm drink and safe shelter and they work with a local charity outreach team at The Whitechaple Centre and arrange support where possible.
For World Homeless Awareness Day, at Westgrove Head Office we are supporting local charity, Room at the Inn and Y Project. The Head Office team have donated food and toiletry items for the charity based in Warrington who provide daytime services and emergency accommodation for homeless and vulnerable people. And thanks to our friends at Novati, we have been able to collect and donate even more!
We’re incredibly proud of the teams for their generosity and for supporting their local communities.