
Westgrove understand how important the environment is and the vital part that we need to play in helping to protect it.

Westgrove understand how important the environment is and the vital part that we need to play in helping to protect it. Westgrove are accredited to ISO14001 standard.

To achieve our SBTs, we will be reviewing our processes, equipment, consumables, and service delivery methods. Once we have thoroughly reviewed and amended any processes, equipment, and systems to remove as much carbon from our operation as possible, we will then look to work with projects to offset our residual values.

As a business we have completed our baseline Scope 1, 2 and material Scope 3 carbon footprint elements and have set our goal to be carbon net-zero by 2040 (scope 1&2 by 2035 and scope 3 by 2040).

As a services company, we have established that our biggest impact will be through Scope 3 elements, so are already putting together initiatives towards improving the environmental impact of our waste, fleet, business travel, the content of the products we use in our operations and our supply chain distribution.

Westgrove aim to be a transparent and ethical business, making positive contributions to the people and communities we work with, the 4 main areas we focus on are:

  • Environment – Baselining our carbon footprint and setting SBTs and initiatives to work toward Net Zero Carbon, see our Carbon Reduction Plan.
  • Workplace – Colleague wellbeing, benefits, support, learning and development
  • Community – Employability, Mental Health, Charity Support. Working with the communities we operate in and with organisations such as Employment 4 All, the Job Centres and other DWP initiatives such as Kickstart, to offer employment to hard to reach groups of individuals and positively affect the diversity of our workforce. Westgrove Volunteering policy and Charity Support Program, such as our Founding Patron status for Mind Over Mountains, a mental health charity.
  • Supply Chain – Supply chain vetting and partnership approach to improving issues, such as removing single use plastics and improved carbon impact through better delivery scheduling

Learn more about our Carbon Reduction Plan here






Retail Destinations


Car Park Spaces Cleaned


© Westgrove Support Services and Westgrove Cleaning Services are wholly owned subsidiaries of Westgrove Group Holdings Limited which are registered companies in England. Registered address is 940 Lakeside Drive, Warrington, WA1 1QY. Registered numbers are 9215403 for Westgrove Support Services Ltd and 3599280 for Westgrove Cleaning Services Ltd. Westgrove Support Services Limited currently holds SIA Approved Contractor Scheme (ACS) status for the provision of Public Space CCTV and Security Guarding.