Tomorrow is World Environment Day and the theme this year is Ecosystem Restoration. This will be the first year of the United Nation’s Decade on Ecosystem Restoration; a ten-year project aimed at fixing the damage that has been done to our planet.
We wanted to share an amazing project that has taken place at Royal Priors Shopping Centre over the past couple of years, adapting and developing an unused area of their multi-story carpark into a rooftop oasis, known as Les’s Garden.
Les Watkins, Deputy Centre Manager and the Team have spent time adapting and developing level 4 of their multi-story car park from an unused area of tarmac into an oasis of plants, small trees and small ponds to attracts birds and insects, with the most impressive visitor being a Hawk that nests in a church tower nearby.
Using recycled materials, the team have been creative and upcycled large wheelie bins by cutting them down to size and creating planters. The team have supported this green oasis with providing plants and watering the garden as required.
The Oasis is currently being considered for a Green Apple Award and we wish the team at Royal Priors every success with this.