Around the world, someone takes their own life every 40 seconds – that’s nearly one million deaths by suicide every year.
It can be upsetting and potentially triggering to read about suicide. In the event that you’re feeling vulnerable at the moment, you might want to consider reading this content at a time when you don’t feel distressed.
Saturday, 10th September 2022 marks World Suicide Prevention Day and this year it’s all about creating hope through action. We are providing our colleagues with the tools they need to have a conversation and potentially save a life. Our thoughts are with our colleagues at this time.
We’ve also asked our colleagues to make a pledge and commit to looking after family, friends, colleagues and others. By making the pledge they are agreeing to take a suicide prevention online training course run by the Zero Suicide Alliance to help spot the warning signs in others and signpost them to help.
If you would like to join us in making a pledge, please click here.
You can find more information and ways to signpost people to help using these links: